Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yahoo Messenger is shutting down!

I got an offline message today from a friend that Yahoo Messenger or YM will be deleting some YM accounts. I guess this is another spam ??? or if is true, you may pass on the message. See message below. Its for you to believe on November 17.

Yahoo is shutting down on November 17th. They want to get rid of free messenger. If you delete this and don't pass it on, your name will be deleted. A lot of people have already been deleted. Right click on the group name of your buddylist and click, Send Instant Message to All in Group.. This is Yahoo President Anna Rubenecia, I am sorry to announce that Yahoo has reached its maximum number of accounts two million. If you would like to keep your account for free send this to everyone on your list. This way we can know which accounts are being used and which accounts we can delete. Send this within 8 days and your account will remain free. Once again I am sincerely sorry that I have to do this.

I searched Anna Rubenecia, claimed to be the Yahoo President, but all i can see on the results of the page is the message above. Who is Anna Rubenecia by the way? Can somebody tell me please. If you happen to receive this message, please drop me a message. It's for us to find out.